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Our emissions are monitored on site and online reports sent to the monitoring authorities responsible

Anything but borderline.
Emission values to be proud of

Our job is not only to ensure that hazardous waste is treated professionally but also to operate systems that guarantee maximum safety levels for people and the environment – and not only now but far into the future, too. Why not take a look at the table below: it lists the latest emission data of our incineration plant side by side with the legal limits laid down by the legislator.

We incinerate hazardous waste in a particularly environmentally friendly way – thanks to our innovative flue gas cleaning concept

Reducing hazardous emissions to a minimum – REMONDIS SAVA also sets its own even stricter emission limits to keep hazardous emissions from the incineration plant as low as possible.

ParameterEmission limits*
17. BlmSchV
Emission limits*
Annual mean value
SAVA 2023
Monthly mean value
September 2024
  • Carbon monoxide
50 mg/m350 mg/m35.47 mg/m36.48 mg/m3
  • Particulates
5 mg/m35 mg/m30.12 mg/m30.01 mg/m3
  • Total carbon
10 mg/m35 mg/m30.54 mg/m3< 0.01 mg/m3
  • Hydrogen chloride
6 mg/m35 mg/m30.02 mg/m3< 0.01 mg/m3
  • Sulphur oxides
30 mg/m325 mg/m33.56 mg/m31.20 mg/m3
  • Nitrogen oxides
120 mg/m3100 mg/m378.44 mg/m354.35 mg/m3
  • Mercury
0.01 mg/m30.01 mg/m3 0.0011 mg/m30.0007 mg/m3
  • Gaseous ammonia
10 mg/m310 mg/m30.04 mg/m3< 0.01 mg/m3

* The emission limits are daily limits

The annual mean values reached by the plant are clearly below the legal limits laid down in the 17th Ordinance of the Federal Emissions Control Act (17. BlmSchV) and those set out in REMONDIS SAVA's Planning Resolution (PR).

REMONDIS SAVA's Annual Measurements*
ParameterLimitsAnnual measurements 2024
  • Hydrogen fluoride
1.0 mg/m3 0.1 mg/m3
  • Total cadmium and thallium
0.05 mg/m30.0002 mg/m3
  • Total antimony, arsenic, lead, chromium, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, vanadium, tin
0.50 mg/m30.2 mg/m3
  • Total arsenic, benzo[a]pyrene, cadmium, cobalt and chromium
0.05 mg/m30.02 mg/m3
  • Dioxins, furans and polychlorinated biphenyls according to the 17th Ordinance of the Federal Emissions Control Act as I-TEQ**
0.10 ng/m3 0.004 ng/m3

* The results are the maximum measured values minus the expanded measurement uncertainity
** The toxicity equivalent (TE) is a total figure for assessing the total toxicity of all dioxins, furans and polychlorinated biphenyls

The content levels of heavy metals and hydrogen fluoride as well as dioxins and furans in the flue gas are recorded at different intervals once a year. Here, too, the figures recorded fall far below the legally prescribed limits.

Mandatory publication as per Section 23 of the ‘17. BImSchV’

Information provided in accordance with the 17th Ordinance of the Federal Emissions Control Act (17. BlmSchV) for the period: 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023 PDF